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  • Sodium - Brit Care

    12.9.2017 Answers: 1

    Hello, I'm writing to you in order to know the content of sodium in "salmon&potato" and "dog show champion" references. Regards, FB

    Nutrition Dachshund Wired haired

  • Brit Premium Sport

    8.6.2017 Answers: 3

    Hi, I'm Juan from Barcelona. I'm a consumer of Brit Premium Sport, it's a nice product, but i have a question, why this product don't have Condrotine and gucosamine? There are something in product to substitute? You have special price for a big consumer? Thank you so much

    Nutrition Bull Terrier

  • Croquettes chats

    12.5.2017 Answers: 1

    Bonjour, Je me pose une question sur les brit care chat I"m lucky (et les autres). Dans les ingrédients des brit care chien, il y a écrit "viande de...",et dans les brit care chat,il y a "poulet"...quelle est la différence? La presence de sous-produits dans les croquettes chat? Merci d'avance Cordialement


  • Dog food for dog with food allergy

    26.10.2016 Answers: 1

    I have a maltese who has food allergy. I have consulted various vets and my dog is now on fish diet and on steroid and antihistamine medication. Looked up Brit website and read about Brit Care Sensitive dog food. But I have not given him Venison before. He cannot take chicken and lamb. I prefer to stay with fish. Which pet food would you recommend? Hope to hear from you asap. Thanks.


  • Why is hypoallerginic brit care?

    10.6.2016 Answers: 1

    Hi, Please, let me know why brit care is hypoallergenic, can you send me a document that explain why is it? Thank you very much, kind regards

    Nutrition King Charles Spaniel

11 from 1167891011

Questions are answered by

Ing. Martin Kváš
nutrition specialist

MVDr. Jan Šíma