Brit supports dog’s & cat’s hearts
Apart from local charitable projects, Brit cooperates with non-profit organizations which return love and help to people who really need it by means of our four-legged friends. Dog handlers, canis therapy and feline therapy are the biggest gifts which our furry friends can give us. Together with its customers, Brit sends good deeds to needy people.
Helppes - a Training Centre of the Dogs for Handicapped People│

In the long term Brit cooperates with generally beneficial association called Helppes, a Training Centre of the Dogs for Handicapped People. It helps people with different kinds of handicaps on their journey to integration, self-sufficiency and independence by means of specially trained assistance dogs. Helppes is the only organization in the Czech Republic and the first one from the so called former Eastern Bloc countries which managed to meet the conditions of the highest international standards in providing this kind of services. It also gained an accreditation for fully fledged membership of the international organizations which unite the providers of those services – Assistance Dogs Europe and Assistance Dogs International. Helppes represents the top organization among the social service providers and its work is very popular with the public.
Aura Canis o.s. │

Aura Canis, a partner citizens association, helps by means of canis therapy and feline therapy methods to people in care centres, schools, homes, institutions and families, where the workers and animal assistants meet physically, mentally, socially or in different way disabled people. In addition, Aura Canis is interested in child and youth upbringing and holds certificated canis therapeutic and feline therapeutic exams for general public. As the first association in the Czech Republic it also gained an accreditation for lifelong learning course in Canis Therapeutic Training at Palacký University in Olomouc.
Brit believes that their work represents the deepest confirmation of the common need and love between human and animal.