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  • Daily amount for active dog

    29.12.2017 Answers: 1

    Due to the table of "Brit Care Dog Show Champion", I should give 200g/day for my 20kg dog. Question is, should I give more if my dog is active and has high appetite ? What consequences I should expect after giving more g/day ? Could it cause farting and similar digestion problems ?


  • calories

    28.12.2017 Answers: 1

    How many calories has a can of brit tuna salmon?


  • Percentage of potatoes in Brit Care Coco

    15.12.2017 Answers: 1

    Hello, Could you tell me what is the % of dried potatoes in you line Brit care Cocco ? Thanks, Rgds.


  • Distribution in Italy

    1.11.2017 Answers: 1

    Hello! We are interesting for your product and want to buy it for our internet shop in Italy. Do you have an official distributor in Italy or no? Thank you for help!


  • Good for hedgehog

    5.10.2017 Answers: 1

    Hi! I'm writing from Chile and I have a hedgehog (they are not rodents but anyways..) I discovered your cat line becouse of her. I would like to know if you can create a hedgehog line !! they have specific needs that the Angel food (here en Chile it's called Angel, for senior cats) covers correctly. The hedgehog food industry is really poor today, and there is no good food made just for theme. It would be really nice if you create a line for theme. Please considere my recommendation! I would like to distribute it here in Chile, here you will have a big industry :) Best regards!!


  • Croquettes chats

    12.5.2017 Answers: 1

    Bonjour, Je me pose une question sur les brit care chat I"m lucky (et les autres). Dans les ingrédients des brit care chien, il y a écrit "viande de...",et dans les brit care chat,il y a "poulet"...quelle est la différence? La presence de sous-produits dans les croquettes chat? Merci d'avance Cordialement


  • Dog food for dog with food allergy

    26.10.2016 Answers: 1

    I have a maltese who has food allergy. I have consulted various vets and my dog is now on fish diet and on steroid and antihistamine medication. Looked up Brit website and read about Brit Care Sensitive dog food. But I have not given him Venison before. He cannot take chicken and lamb. I prefer to stay with fish. Which pet food would you recommend? Hope to hear from you asap. Thanks.


  • Brit care sunny for cat

    28.9.2016 Answers: 1

    are brit care sunny good enough to maintain fur fall from my cat ? i already try any product, just same .. still fall


3 from 3123

Questions are answered by

Ing. Martin Kváš
nutrition specialist

MVDr. Jan Šíma