
Place of Origin:
Siamese Cat
Breed type:
Semi-haired Siamese Cat
Body type:
Elongated, charming
2.5 - 5 kg
Colourful variety:
With black-brown, blue, chocolate and lilac, red and cream badges or badges with pattern, with black-brown, blue, chocolate and lilac tortoise badges or badges with pattern

History: The Balinese breed is originated in the United States in the 1950s. At that time Siamese Cat delivered a litter from which some of the kittens had a long coat. Since the long-range gene is recessive, it could be passed between generations without generating it. It could also be a sudden mutation in the genes.

At first, the breed was called a long-haired Siamese Cat. Later and now it is valid Balinese name that refers to its graceful movements reminiscent of the Bali dancers. In the early 1970s, the breed was recognized by most American organizations and later by European organizations.

Temperament: Since it is a sister breed of Siamese Cats, it is not surprising that, apart from the body structure, they are very similar to the character. Balinese are intelligent and live cats with a highly distinctive character. They are very playful even in old age, and they are in the company of man and they do not hesitate to demand master´s attention, among other things by its own voice. It gets well with other cats.

Body: Balinese´s body construction is no different from Siamese Cat. The long and slender muscled body must not show roughness. Slim long legs have oval paws. The hind legs are higher than the front. The long thin tail shall not show any fragments or other deviations. The wedge-shaped head, viewed from the front, forms a triangle along with the large, oblique ears. The chin is massive, but not too distinctive. The profile has no deflection and passes smoothly in the forehead. Almond's eyes are slanted.

Coat: The silk and fine semi-long Balinese´s hair does not have a thick undercoat. The body is tight. The hair is moderately long on the body. On the collar, shoulders and tail slightly longer.

Care: Keep hair Balinese in good condition it is enough to brush it once a week and then comb the rough crest. At the time of moulting, a rubber brush can be helpful. You must care carefully, otherwise you can damage its hair. Sometimes, especially if you want to participate at cat show with your Balinese, it may be necessary to take a bath. This has to be done a few days before the show. Alternatively, regular hair care can be treated with non-perfumed talc powder. Keep ears clean, cut the sharp ends of the claws regularly.

Colour variants:

All colours are allowed by Balinese as by Siamese. The end parts of the body are darker in colour. Preference is given to individuals with the purest white colour, preferably without shadows or darker colour on the body. They are most commonly found in these colours:

  • Seal point and blue point: Cats in this colour may have clean end parts of the body, but also tabby pattern, tortoise or tortoise tabby. The badges may also have silver tabby points.
  • Red point and cream point: Strips on the legs, ring around the tail and pattern on the head can hardly be eradicated in these colours. Therefore, it is almost impossible to distinguish individuals with full creamy or red badges from the tabby point.
  • Chocolate point and lilac point: These colours are very popular. Cats may have fully coloured end parts of the body or with a pattern, tortoise or tortoise tabby. Badges can also have a silvery background.

Kittens are born whiter and the acromelanic badges are getting only later. The persistent coat colour stabilizes about one year old. The eyes are by Balinese blue, with dark blue colour being preferred.