

N - Prague Ratter - FCI non recognized breeds

General Appearance:

Character is a soft, cuddly, curious and lively spirited dog with an excellent sense of smell, extremely vigilant and overflowing with love for its owners, it is a courage dog, which is at its size facetiously prepared to show any time by "its people" in danger. It can be attentive, sensitive, perceptive and affectionate and it is almost always in a good mood, ready to operate various pieces of the amusement area. When it is running it is quick, agile and tireless, a great advantage during training and competitions in agility. To its owner and members of its family it is friendly and affectionate, distrustful of strangers and very reserved. Though it is small, it is an excellent guard dog that barking intensive notify anyone unauthorized access or near "its" territory.


The education is not difficult because it is intelligent, clever and docile, but it must be consistent. It is necessary to act with it kindly, gently, and understandably, no harsh punishments are appropriate or necessary. Although it is small and cute, if it is not properly educated, there you can find more misery than joy as owner, family and surroundings too. Ideal for anyone who can appreciate its nature nobility and character, it is also suitable for elderly owner. Although it likes the movement, it is able to adjust and, if necessary, it is satisfied even with shorter walks. It fits in spite of its activity even to the smallest city apartment.


It's a small smooth-haired dog, nearly quadratic body frame, compact body, despite the small size, very agile and relentless. Desirable is appropriate sexual expression representatives of both sexes, at first look it is clear whether it is a male or female. The format of the body can be very shortly rectangular. Female may be slightly longer body frame. The optimum height at the withers is 20-23 cm. The optimal body weight is about 2.6 kg.

The head is pear-shaped, rounded skull, with a noticeable longitudinal front furrow and marked occipital part. The skin on the forehead is smooth, without wrinkles, frontal slope (stop) is steep. The nose is pigmented and its colour matches the colour of the coat. Lips adjacent to the jaws and teeth are fixed on the edges of fully pigmented, its colour fits the colour of the coat. Oral corners must be closed. The jaws should be symmetrical and taper towards the nose. The bite should be scissors, full dentition is a priority.

Eyes are medium sized, round, slightly protruding and stored in eyecups quite far apart. They should be as dark as possible, shade the corresponding colour of the coat. Eyelids tightly fitting to the eyeballs and their edges are ticked.

The earlobes are set on the back and head high, with bases rather broad, triangular, rigid, erect, or (which is tolerated but undesirable) on the tops slightly tilted forward. Their longitudinal axes are not vertical, but slightly to the sides, slightly divergent.

The neck should be dry, with absolutely no neck lobe, in the neck gracefully curved and sufficiently long, corresponding to the length of the torso and head.

Topline body is rigid and flat, featureless faucet, back short, straight, firm. The chest is not too wide, on the imaginary cross-section is oval. Belly slightly tucked up, flanks are rolled up.

The forelegs must be seen from the front straight and parallel, and their position is not to be too broad. Shoulders must be reasonably muscular and fit snugly against the chest. Elbows close to the chest, neither turned in nor out. Forearms should be adequately strong, straight. Pasterns when viewed from the front straight, forming a smooth continuation of the forearm when viewed from the side are slightly skewed, but firm. Feet should be circular in shape, consisting of short-knit arched toes with dark nails.

The hindquarters should be well muscled when viewed from the side properly bent at the knees and hocks. If it’s seen from the rear straight and parallel their position should not be too wide. Feet should be the same as the forequarters or be slightly elongated.

The loin is short, tightly bound to the bridge, flow into the croup, which is gently sloping and sufficiently long.

The tail should be set level with topline of the body and reaches up to the hock. Strong at the root and towards the tip tapers. There are may be straight or slightly curved second half upwards. The motion is carried higher, until semi-circular curl over the back and shoulders.

Skin is tough, strong, firm and elastic. Firmly adheres to the skeletal muscle and skin. Its pigmentation corresponds to the colour of the coat. There are two kinds of hair, short and "long". Short hair is glossy, fitting, dense head usually thinner and shorter than the body, anywhere on the body but cannot be bald places. "Long" form long fringing on the ear lobe, behind forelegs so. Feathering, rear thigh "pants" from the bottom of the tail called. Flag and front chest hint "jabot" (frill), there is little open.

Colour can be black and tan, brown and tan or lighter fawn, red jacket, or roan. Tan markings are deep red (most desired is dark shade), sharply bounded over and above the eyes, cheeks, throat, on the pasterns, on the feet, on the inner side of the hind legs and around the anus. On the chest consists of two symmetrical, mutually separate characters approximately triangular shape. Other colour varieties vary according to the genetic foundation base coat colour, nose, etc. Skin derivatives, eye colour and saturation are of the tan. Generally the deeper pigmentation is within each colour's preference.