

Taiwan Dog-Group V. - Spitz and primitive types, Section 7 - Primitive type Hunting Dogs.

General Appearance:

This is a dog that is devoted to owner and this breed is loyal, nimble movements, courageous, this dog does not know what fear is. It is very intelligent and mature at a relatively early age. Even individuals that are living in the wild these are very easy to domesticate again and they can live without problems with people. It has unusually strong territorial instinct and it protects with extraordinary tenacity region, which it considers entrusted to guard it.


It is not only an excellent guard dog, but also a defender. Easy to learn and to its owner and members of his family under all circumstances it is absolutely loyal. In its country of origin it can also be utilized by the army, police and rescue, this dog has often proved to rescue people buried by earthquakes and others-disasters. It's versatile, it excels in extraordinary adaptability, and it can therefore be trained for all sorts of activities for the defence, agility and hunting.

Kind treatment it reciprocates to owner abundance manifestations of total dedication and conspicuous effort and readiness in every time. It is reliable, trustworthy, obedient and extremely studious.  In addition it excels in particular vigour, it is therefore, also taking into account the not very long hair, minimal odour and convenient size also regarded as the perfect companion dog for the modern family.


This is a medium sized southern primitive Spitz-type (relatively short-haired) with a head shaped like a triangle, almond eyes, thin, raised earlobes and carried upwards sickle curved tail. It must be dry, stringy and perfectly balanced. The height at withers male is 48-52 cm, female is from 43 to 47 cm. Weight of body, male is 14 - 18 kg, female is from 12 to 16 kg.

The head has a skull slightly longer than the muzzle. The skull is headed wide and rounded, always without skin wrinkles. The frontal slope must be steep, but the front longitudinal furrow to be only slightly marked.

The muzzle must have equal nasal bridge and from the base toward the nose narrows, but it should be explicitly pointed at the end. Lips fit tightly to the teeth and jaws may never be free, pendulous. Strong jaws and teeth in them must be planted vertically. Scissor bite is required. Chewing musculature is moderately developed, so that the cheeks slightly protrude sideways.

The eyes are almond shaped, dark brown colour, may not be completely black, but light brown or yellow are undesirable. Earlobes must always be upright, below the skull, so when viewed from the front grip of the longitudinal axis of the skull with a plane angle of 45 °. The inner edges of the ears are seen from the front straight and curved outward slightly arched.

The neck should be muscular, strong, proper length, slightly arched in the nape. On the neck may be lobe. The body is muscular, strong and not too long as to maintain a nearly square body format. The back should be straight, short, well-defined withers. The loin should be firmly muscled croup is broad, short, straight or very slightly sloping.

The tail should be high set, carried upward, sickle bent so that its tip faces forward. It is very moving. The chest must be fairly deep, but down to the elbow, the chest is developed, slightly prominent when viewed from the side in front of the shoulder joint. Ribs are moderately sprung, belly to be properly drawn up.

The forelegs should be muscular, sloping shoulder blade directed by their tops back. The elbows must be neither turned in nor out, the forearms are straight and parallel to each other, pasterns must be fixed. Paws both front and hind limbs must be neither turned in nor out. The pads are thick, rigid. Nails should be black, but in subjects other than black coloured tolerated lighter colour.

The hindquarters are lean, strong bones, well muscled and parallel when viewed from behind, they must conform angulations of forequarters. Thighs broad, femur should be in normal stance slanted toward the knee. Tibia must match the strength and length of thighs. Hocks are perpendicular to the substrate. Movement should be vigorous, step suitably long (meaty).

The coat is short, hard and closely adjacent, its length varies from 1.5 to 3 cm. Coat colour can be black, brindle, fawn, white, white - black, white - white or fawn - brindle.

Any faults from the foregoing should be considered a fault and accurately assess the degree of expression. Among the defects include fearfulness, even bite, missing teeth (but tolerates the absence of third molars M3), bulging eyes, lack of chest, excessive hindquarters, excessive or insufficient size.

To negative defects counts aggression or fearfulness, overshot or undershot jaw, any non-erect ears, too long hair (longer than 4.5 cm), the absence of canines and squiggly tail.