

Gordon Setter-Group VII - Pointing Dogs, Section 2 - British and Irish Pointers and Setters, 2.2 Setters.

General Appearance:

Its character is an intelligent, powerful, brave, bright, friendly, calm and obedient, devoted to its owner and faithful dog, cultured, kind and adaptable. It has socially based, happy, cheerful, affectionate and full of interest in surroundings. Children it accepts the smallest for which it is a bit hefty, it is an excellent friend.

It has an excellent memory. It works willingly with taste and it is very handy. With the well-known people are friendly and hospitable, to alien it maintains a certain distance. If in its early youth it is properly socialized, it tolerates very well with other dogs and small pets, including cats. It needs as closely as possible permanent contact with the owner. It is perceptive, empathetic. It can sense the mood of the owner and the whole family and it can be conveniently silent and inconspicuous, or vice versa boisterously noisy and cheerful. It can be as powerful hunting dog, especially when it works in the field, but it is a nice social dog.


Puppies are docile and studious, but you cannot rush with them. Full work and level of training it can be done in about 18 months. It requires owner diligent, kind, talented natural authority, acting consistently. Its development is relatively slow. Maturity is reached around the age of three years. Playfulness it retains until old age.

It loves walks in the countryside. Walks can be long, but the individual in times of growth cannot ensure a successful development of the skeleton and physical overload. Its hunting instinct is very strong, and it is therefore not recommended to let it to work in the countryside, where it does not work for free. It does not belong to the outdoor pens.


It is over the relative power of the elegant dog whose body contour lines resemble horses (thoroughbred). Body structure is balanced and harmonious, the height at withers, male is about 66 cm , female is about 62 cm. Weight of body, male  is 29.5 kg for females is about 25.5 kg.

The head is deep rather than wide. Parts above and below the eyes are dry. The skull should be slightly rounded, broadest between earlobes. It must be sufficiently spacious, wider than the muzzle. Stop is pronounced muzzle is long, almost parallel lines. It must not be narrow and weak, even at the end pointed. Its depth must be the same as its length. Nose is large, broad and black.

Lips should not be too loose, yet to be pronounced. Jaws must be powerful. It requires perfect, regular, complete scissor bite. Cheeks should be completely flat to the head was really dry.

Eyes should be dark brown, expressive. They may not be protruding or sunken, but should be moderately deep set beneath bony ridges. They are dark brown and shiny. Ears should be medium-sized and thin, low, close to head.

The neck should be long, dry, in the neck arched, without dewlap. The body is adequately long. The loin should be broad and slightly arched, croup when viewed from the side almost horizontal. The tail should be straight or slightly like sabre, must not interfere below the hock. It is carried horizontally or below the topline of the body. At the root is strong, towards the tip tapers at its bottom forms a long coat - flag.

Chest is deep but not too broad. The ribs are well-sprung rear extend far enough back. The forelegs should be straight and strong, strong bones, shoulder blades long and moderately oblique, wide, muscular surface. Shoulders must be bulging to the sides. The tops of the blades are close to each tap. The elbows should be relatively low over the base and close to the body. Pasterns should be straight, perpendicular to the substrate.

Hind legs from hip to hock long, strong and muscular. Hock must be thick and short, vertical to ground. Knees should be reasonably bent. The feet are required oval shaped, compact ("closed"), with appropriately arched toes and plenty of hair between them. The pads should be strong.

Hair on the head, front of legs and the tips of the ears is short and fine, to other parts of the body moderately long, smoothly contiguous, without curls or waves. On the upper part of the ear lobe is long and silky. Feathering on the backs of the forelegs and "pants" on the back of the thighs are long, soft, smooth and straight, long hair on the belly may extend to chest and throat. Should be minimized rolling and curly.

Coat colour should be a deep black and shiny, without any rusty tinge, with rich tan markings. Black spots in the inguinal badges are allowed on the fingers and under the jaw, two distinctive characters are tan above the eyes, and their diameter must not be larger than 2 cm. Tan markings on the sides of the muzzle must penetrate beyond the base of the nose, take the form of stripes along its sides and clearly delimit it. At the front of the throat and chest are two large, sharply defined patches.

The tan markings on the inner side of the hind legs pass from the thighs to the front of the knee and pull up on the outside of the tarsus and feet. On the backs of the forelegs tan colouration extends to the elbow, on their front pages stretches to the wrist or a little higher. Tan is also under the tail, around the anus. Front chest is permissible very small white spot, any colour is undesirable.