

Miniature Group II. - Pinschers and Schnauzers, Molossoid breeds, Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs.

General Appearance:

It's balanced, lively, vivacious, very much alive, but also confident, alert and fearless dog. It should never be fearful or nervous. Owner and members of its family is loyal and dedicated. It excels in extraordinary intelligence, activity and easy to learn. It has a very nice relationship with children at home with small pet (pets), including cats. Guinea pigs, rats and dwarf rabbits it must get used to at an early age.

Under all circumstances, it is reliable and vigilant watchdog. Anything unusual it announces by loud barking. During contact with strangers and much larger dogs it is sometimes too brave, certainly it does not suffer from an inferiority complex for its size.


Although it is small dog, it must be educated from an early age gently, but thoroughly. If it does not get a proper leadership it will threaten to become manifest of syndrome of small breeds (Small Dog Syndrome), which can of course be for the same reasons also occur in many other small breeds and it is similar to the Napoleon complex by humans. Basically this means that if such a small dog someone or something does not like it can be aggressive. From the beloved and cheerful companion then it becomes a little obnoxious bully. It is of course the fault of the owner who neglected the principle of consistency in education because of owner´s character the owner was not consistent. Similar cases are not common, it can happen by less inexperienced owners. In fact education and training does not make any problems when it is properly conducted, because it is bright and docile dog.

It is an adventurous and playful dog it loves movement also it needs some mental activity to avoid boredom. Thanks to its agility and speed of doing excellently in dog sports it is suitable for its size, suitable activity for it , it  may need regular training agility. As a man´s companion has many advantages and one of them is undoubtedly also its size. It fits into the tightest city apartment.


It is an elegant dog proud posture, smooth contoured lines and a square body frame. The muscular development is due to the short smooth coat adjacent clearly visible, particularly on the move. Format of body as far as possible is a square. There is the ratio of the length of the body and height at withers 1: 1. For males and females is height at withers 25-30 cm, weight of body is for both sexes is 4-6 kg.

Length of head measured from tip of nose to the occipital part is approximately equal to 1/2 the distance from the withers to the tail. The skull has to be a strong, long without markedly protruding occipital part. The forehead must be flat, without wrinkles. Topline of skull is in the imaginary extension when viewed from the side parallel to the muzzle. The frontal slope (stop) must be gradual but clearly discernible. Muzzle is at the end of a blunt wedge. The muzzle is level, big nose, always black.

Lips are on the edges of black pigmentation and smooth and tight-fitting to the jaws and teeth. Corners of the mouth should be closed. The upper and lower jaw must be adequately strong. It requires a scissor bite. The complete dentition is consisting of 42 pure white teeth according to the dental formula. Teeth are strong and precisely fit together.

Eyes should be dark, oval, with black pigmented rims of the eyelids tight to the eyeballs. The earlobes are set high, and may be erect or drooping forward, "V" angled forward and the adjacent inner edge close to cheek. Their parallel folds do not protrude above the top of his head.

Nape of neck is gracefully curved and not too short. Flows into and shoulders must be dry, without dewlap. Topline body should be from withers towards rear slightly sloping. The withers are its highest point. The back should be straight, short and solid. Loins are strong, and that the body is compact enough not to be the distance from the last rib to the hip is too long.

Croup is slightly rounded, flowing to merge with the tail. It leaves naturally long, and it is desirable to be carried sabre or sickle curved upwards.

The chest should be reasonably broad, imaginary oval cross-section, so deep that it reaches to the elbows. The bottom line of the body forms the border chest rising backwards elegant curve.

The forelegs are seen from the front strong, straight and their position must be narrow. Blade lies close to the rib cage and must be on both sides of the longitudinal ridge well muscled. They are to be obliquely arranged so that their longitudinal axes are inclined to the horizontal of about 50 ° angles. Elbows close to the body, must not be turned in or out. Feet are short and round ("cat"), with toes well-knit and well-arched, fixed padded and short, black and strong nails.

The hindquarters are when viewed from the side, built backwards and looking behind parallel. Their position can never be too thin. Markedly angulated hocks must not be in or out. Hocks are vertical to ground. Hind legs are slightly longer than the forelegs feet.

The movement is harmonious, confident, energetic, relaxed, with a correspondingly long limbs events. Skin is taut over the body to skeletal muscle and skin. The coat is short and dense, smooth, contiguous, shiny without bald patches.

Colouration may be either uniform or black and tan. The uniform may have a shade of red deer. Red-brown to dark reddish-brown with black-and-tan is the basic colour Jet black with red or reddish-brown markings, which should preferably be as dark as possible, vibrant and clearly defined. They are above the eyes, throat and pasterns, on the feet, on the inside of the hind legs and around the anus. Two symmetrical, clearly separated triangular badges are also on the front chest.