Pitkäkarvainen saksanseisoja


German Long haired Pointing Dog - Group VII. Pointing Dogs, Section 1.1. Continental Pointing Dogs « Braque » Type.

General Appearance:

Character is a balanced, calm dog with balanced temperament, friendly, lively, to the owner and his family snuggling unless they are sufficiently contacted. It is very loyal to children gracious and patient. To strangers at first it is distant, but later friendly. With other dogs it is tolerated well, it is not aggressive by the nature. Early socialization is not needed. The problem can be coexistence with cats.


It is docile and at the correct procedure it is easily trained. Today the breed is used in hunting practice mainly as a typical all-rounder continental hound, which is used for hunting in the field and in the woods and in the water.

It tolerates all year round in the outdoor kennel. After hunting its coat requires adequate care. If it is not often used for hunting it requires a sufficiently long and hearty walks, preferably in nature.


It's strong, muscular, not too leggy longhaired dog smooth contour lines. Body structure must be sufficiently sturdy even in smaller individuals, and they must show the appropriate substance may not be weak. It’s conversely, individuals generally too bulky or cumbersome undesirable. The height at withers male is 60-70 cm, while the ideal is considered to range from 63 to 66 cm for females it is from 58 to 66 cm and it is considered an ideal range of 60-63 cm. Weight of body is about 30 kg.

The head must be beautiful, elongated and very noble. Muzzle should be as long as its skull. It is slightly arched above, the front slope (stop) is moderately steep, but must never be precipitous.

Muzzle should be slightly arched and not too narrow. Brown nose is required, but small de-pigmented spots on it are admissible. Lips are not entirely freely suspended. Jaw must not be too fine. Teeth are required to complete, scissor bite is desirable. The zygomatic arches are not particularly significant.

Eyes should be brown, as dark as possible, and must be either sunken or protruding. Eyelids tight fitting to the eyeballs, the third eyelid (nictitating membrane) cannot be seen. The earlobes are suspended and they should not be too low and slightly rotated forward.

The neck is strong but elegant, without dewlap on the throat. Towards shoulders, slowly expanding and should not be too short. The back is straight, strong and should not be too long. Forechest be visible when viewed from the side should be top of the sternum in front of the front edge of the shoulder joint.

The chest should be broad and deep, so that it reaches min. the elbows. The forelegs are instance when viewed from the front shoulder blade, upper arm, forearm, wrist, metacarpus and foot almost on one axis vertical to ground. Vanes are close-fitting to the ribcage. Elbows close to your chest, wrists are slightly bent, pasterns when viewed from the side slightly askew.

The hindquarters should be viewed from the rear buttock to the pelvis, femur, tibia, the hock, the instep and foot on one axis perpendicular to the substrate. Hocks must be viewed from the side angulated. Dewclaws must be removed immediately after birth. The shape of the feet should be short oval, padded thick and thin.

Loins are very muscular. The croup is long and slightly sloping. The tail must not be awake erect, carried horizontally, the last third of the turns slightly upward.

Skin fits closely to skeletal muscle and subcutaneous tissue does not form folds and wrinkles. Hair must not be too long or too short. Back and flanks are a length of about 3.5 cm. It has been pretty adjacent to the throat. The chest and abdomen may be longer. The abdomen should be well feathered. On the earlobes it is wavy and form a "curtain" on the tail should be rich, and on its underside forms a "flag" that must be up to the tip. On the backs of the forelegs are "feathering" and hind legs "trousers" of longer hair. Below the hocks, the hair is much shorter, longer, "fringing" is undesirable. Inter-digital spaces are dense and short hair. At the head of the hair must be noticeably shorter than elsewhere on the body, tuft on top is undesirable. Body hair is smoothly contiguous, straight or slightly wavy and thick. The undercoat must be rich.

It is permissible colour uniformly brown, brown with white patches or dappled, dappled dark, light, spray and brown and white. Occasionally there may be tan markings.