

Romanian  Mioritic Shepherd Dog - Group I- Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs, Section 1 - Sheepdogs. Recognized in 2005.

General Appearance:

This breed is calm, hardworking, very agile and surprisingly agile, hardy dog, good shepherd, watchful and courageous, incorruptible guard, always willing to face to the wolf, lynx or bear. It gets forcefully and pointedly.


Breed is expected with a considerable dose of natural dominance and sharpness and taken into account in education from earliest childhood. It needs the widest socialization and benignly consistent training.

It is an excellent defender utterly devoted owner and family always ready to defend to the last breath. It tends to be a "one-man dog." In the presence of strangers is extremely vigilant and watchful, but fairly quickly accustom to friends and acquaintances who visit family. Consistently it distinguishes them from unauthorized persons. It likes children.

It needs plenty of exercise, and it is very playful, welcome, if long walks interspersed also some game, e.g. with the ball. It may also pass any of dog sports, e.g. flyball. If the owner likes jogging, it may accompany him. In any case, it needs plenty of daily physical activity.


It's fairly sturdy dog, with long abundant hair on the entire body, including the head and limbs. Height at withers , male is 70 cm as ideal is considered, 75 cm for female is min. 65 cm, but ideally is considered 70 cm.

The head is relatively broad, slightly arched above the skull, cheek bones protrude slightly to the side. The occipital protuberance well-defined, frontal slope should not be too steep. The muzzle must be strong enough toward the nose. It is wide, appropriately big and black and tan.

Lips should be strong at the edges of fully pigmented, close fitting to the teeth and jaws. They are strong. Teeth should be complete scissor bite is required. The teeth should be strong, healthy, white, deeply rooted in its jaws. Cheeks do not stand to the side.

Eyes must be appropriate size, pitched. The iris colour can be hazel, dark brown or slightly lighter. The edges of the eyelids must be ticked, expression, eye contact is calm, intelligent.

The earlobes should be rather high, "V" on the peaks slightly rounded, long, 10-15 cm, hinged, close to cheeks. Cropping is prohibited.

The neck is adequately long, wide and strong, the hull has to be well formed, with straight lines and a fixed upper body. Withers is reasonably clear, the spine should be horizontal, strong, muscular. The loin should be moderately long, broad and well muscled. Croup is muscular and slightly sloping down toward the tail.

The tail should be high set, at rest is carried hanging down and the tip is below the hock. For movement and excitement carried higher, slightly saggy, sometimes above the topline of the body. But it should never be curled over the back. Cropping is prohibited.

The chest is broad and deep, ribs are moderately sprung. The forelegs have straight blades have a sufficient length, they are oblique, very muscular and muscling, firmly attached to the body. Elbows close to  chest. Forearms are adequately long, strong and muscular. Wrist should be firm, slightly angled pasterns. Feet are oval shaped, closed strong, arched, tightly knit toes and claws ashen gray.

The hindquarters should be very strong, muscular and well angulated parallel. Thighs are long, broad, strongly muscled. Tibia must be sufficiently long, muscular and strong bones, hocks are strong, correctly angulated. Insteps not to be too long, but they must be strong and perpendicular to the substrate. The presence of dewclaws should not be penalized. The movement is harmonious, free, perfectly coordinated and driving.

The hair is abundant throughout the body including the head, harsh texture, straight and minimum length of about 10 cm. The undercoat must be denser than outer coat, soft and light-coloured. Colouration may be spotted or uniform – mottled type ground colour is white and well defined spots are black or grey, uniform in colour may be white or grey.

Faults are considered any deviation from the requirements of the standard, while their severity is assessed according to their statement. For severe defect is considered insufficiently expressed sexual dimorphism, atypical expression, eyes round, protruding, very bright, erect ears, hair too short (less than 8 cm) or curly or texture other than permitted standard, upper body lines Roach- or paws open, turning in or out, too steep angulations of the hindquarters.

Among the disqualifying defects belongs excessive aggression and fearfulness, the atypical nature of the overall appearance, lack of one incisor or one canine, overshot and undershot jaw, albinism, congenitally missing or shortened or docked tail, height at withers in dogs less than 68 cm and females less than 63 cm.