

Maremma and the Abruzzes Sheepdog - Group I. Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs, Section 1 - Sheepdogs. Recognized in 1958.

General Appearance:

Maremma and the Abruzzes Sheepdog is a powerful, courageous, determined and proud. It manifests devoted affection to its owner and his family. Its attitude is sober, dignified and peaceful.

Temperament / Behaviour:

This breed is not for beginners, people who are volatile, restless, lacking natural authority. The basis of perfect coexistence with this dog is a mutual respect based on mutual trust.

It always closely follows the unknown persons in the vicinity of its territory and it is close to the owner to prevent at the beginning with all the vigour potential threat. If necessary, it can be very hard, even to itself, which is in full effect when in contact with an uninvited guest. It is very territorial. If it was at an early age properly socialized, it gets well with other dogs and with children is tolerant.

It can live outside year round, provided it has a suitable place well insulated shed. But it must not spend in an outdoor kennel all its life, desperately it needs the most frequent contact with the owner and members of his family. In the period of fastest growth and dentition it is necessary to pay attention to the nutrition, mainly in subsidy calcium, and vitamin C., chondroprotectives.


It is a dog of large size, strongly built, robust appearance, majestic, bold type. Body structure must be harmonious. Height at withers, male is 65 to 73 cm and female is 60 to 68 cm. Weight of body is from 35 to 45 kg for males and 30-40 kg for females.

The head is generally large, wedge-shaped. Skull should be appropriately broad, flat above with slightly rounded side spots. Brow ridges are moderately pronounced front longitudinal furrow is shallow, occipital part barely noticeable. The frontal slope is only lightly marked, gradual. Muzzle is gradually tapers to the front. The front should be straight ending flat. The nose should be fairly large, with large nostrils, wet and cold, with black pigmentation.

The front edge of the upper lip is not too deep, overlapping teeth of the lower jaw. The edges of the lips are black. Jaws must be robust normally shaped. Incisors must be vertically planted, suitably large, evenly spaced. Scissor bite is required. The teeth should be white and strong. Cheeks appropriately extend into the sides.

The eyes are rather small, underscoring the form of a bear's head. They are almond-shaped and quite far apart saved. Their expression is keen and attentive. Colour of iris can be tan or dark maroon. The rims are black.

The earlobes should be set high above the zygomatic arch, hanging but very mobile triangular shape. On tops must be pointed never be rounded. For the individual medium size must not exceed the length of 12 cm. Cropping is tolerated only in individuals who are actually used in practice as a shepherd (except in countries where the act of law on animal protection is disabled).

The upper line of the neck should be slightly arched to be big, very strong and muscular, covered with long and thick hair. The body is a huge upper body lines being straight from withers to croup, which is steep. Withers slightly prominent and it is wide. Croup should be broad, strong and well muscled.

The tail is set low and the rest is hanging down and reaches below the hock. The motion is carried level with the topline of the body, in the end quite strongly curved. It should be thick brush without a "flag" on the bottom.

The chest is large and deep so that it reaches to the elbows. Ribs must be properly arched, angled and quite far apart. Forelegs are straight and vertical to ground. Shoulders are long, slanting, strongly muscled and freely movable. Elbows close to the body, they must be parallel, the forearms are straight and vertical to ground, strong bones. Wrists are a direct continuation of the forearm, strong, dry, smooth and strong enough to clearly pea protruding bones. Pasterns are slightly slanted. Paws are large and round with well-knit toes, short, thick hair. Nails should be black, but are tolerated and maroon.

Hindquarters are vertical to ground. Thighs should be long and wide, with prominent muscles and slightly arched rear edge. Knees pointing straight forward, legs are thick and slightly shorter than the thigh, ankle are adequately strong from the outside very wide insteps are strong, lean and broad. Dewclaws, which may occur, must be removed. The movement is characterized by elongated stride and trot.

Coat has to be very rich, tightly, like horse hair. Pistils are long, fairly rough to the touch, slight wave is tolerated. On the body length of the hair reaches 8 cm. The undercoat is abundant only in winter. Colour should be uniformly white and a touch of ivory, pale orange or lemon shade is tolerated, but only to a limited extent. The coat requires regular care.

All faults are considered any deviation from the above requirements and standards must be evaluated strictly according to severity. To negative defects belong aggression or fearfulness, totally non-pigmented nose, visibly roach muzzle, large or bilateral de-pigmentation of the eyelid margins, glass (off white) eyes, bilateral squint, undershot jaw, missing or short (stubby) tail (whether congenital or docked), curly hair, hair colour isabella, stains ivory or isabella, black shading.