Karkeakarvainen hollanninpaimenkoira


Dutch Shepherd Wire Group I. - Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs, Section 1 – Sheepdogs. Recognized in 1960.

General Appearance:

This breed originally worked as a herding dog from the other two types it is a little different in its character, which is due to its origin. Otherwise, it is hardworking, friendly, intelligent, clever through cunning, loyal dog and fiercely loyal to its owner and members of its family. It's not 100% dependable, always alert, vigilant, active, if necessary, independent and persevering and its temperament it is well controlled. It has a strong tendency to watch over the territory that it guards, and therefore it is excellent watchdog. Compared to other next two types it is rare and it is not as popular as the other two types.


It is harder by character than its relatives and it requires thorough early socialization, friendly, but totally consistent leadership from an early age. Socialization is a prerequisite for a nice coexistence with other dogs, cats and other domestic animals, but also with strangers in its mature age. Despite a certain hardness and durability there cannot be used during training no coercive methods, it would only cause problems even it can stop communicating. It is an excellent watchful guard, utterly uncompromising against unknown persons.

The training whether business or sports however it requires a specific approach. This breed belongs only to the experienced, patient and consistent trainer. It does not tolerate abusive treatment and by stereotypical training it is getting bored. On the rowdy trainer´s behaviour it reacts by timidity or obstinacy. During operation, whether the service (e.g. Police), it is tracking and it can rescue, it is well tolerated extreme physical and mental stress.

It works closely with the owner in the performance of any task, but it does not depend only on commands, it is not often waiting for them and it begins a totally independently and efficiently. When it is used today as sheepdogs in large herds, it excellently works together in pairs or in a group.

It can be social dogs, especially for sports-minded owner. It requires a lot of movement may be accompanied for  joggers e.g. jog wheels moving at a reasonable speed and it  fits excellently to various dog sports such as agility, obedience, frisbee, flyball and obedience training for a defence, or special tracking and rescue training.


It is medium-sized, proportioned, well-muscled dogs strong, balanced body. The format of the body is short rectangular. The height at withers for male is 57-62 cm and for female is 55-60 cm.

Thanks its coat it looks rough-head with angular character, but it is only an illusion, a wedge-shaped head is slightly elongated, and dry skin on it must not constitute the wrinkles or folds. Cheeks flat, zygomatic arches may not act sideways. The skull should be flat from above. The frontal slope is to be only slightly indicated, however distinct. The muzzle should be slightly longer than the skull. The nose should be black. Lips close fitting to the jaws and teeth and are on the edges of fully pigmented. Desirable is a complete, regular scissor bite.

Eyes should be medium-sized, dark-coloured, almond shaped, slightly oblique; must not be stored too large and protruding. The earlobes should be adequately sized, set high in the heat of passion and always erect.

The neck should be cleanly modelled and not be too short, carried in a natural position as head, not too low or too high. The body is hefty, but not rude. The back should be straight and strong, loins are strong. The croup is slightly sloping and has to be completely short.

The tail should be at rest carried down, straight or slightly curved upward, reaching to the hocks. The movement carried higher and stronger, but still elegantly curved. It should never be curled over the back and shoulders, and at the end give way to one side or the other.

Chest deep and fairly long, must never be narrow. Ribs should have moderate spring chest should be obvious, abdomen should be slightly tucked. The forelegs should be strong, moderately long, very muscular, their bones are solid, overall, must be straight with sufficiently flexible wrists. Shoulders and elbows are lying close to the chest. Feet are oval, toes arched and tight, the nails black, padded flexible and dark coloured.

The hindquarters must be strong and very muscular and strong. Persistent dewclaws are considered undesirable. Dutch shepherd is a trotter and its movement should be free-flowing and nimble, but not overly hasty or long.

Topcoat dense, coarse and tousled, woolly undercoat covers the entire body except the head. The upper and lower lip is covered with rich and dense hair forming beard and goatee. When viewed from the side adds a bearded head boxy shape. Above the eyes, eyebrows form a coat, which must be strong, but not overly long.

Coat forming a beard or eyebrows must not be soft. On the skull (including the earlobes) and on the cheeks, the hair is a little shorter. It is desirable that the rear sides of the thigh formed pistils distinct "pants". The tail should be profusely coated all round. The coat is not without any care. At least 2 times a year coat must be trimmed. Periodically it is necessary to comb the hair comb with metal teeth. Feathering it perfectly protects against the weather.

Coat colour is brindle, which is the wire type for a tousled hair is less pronounced than by the other two types. The basic colour can be gold or silver. Gold can occur in a variety of shades, from pale sand to chestnut red. Black stripes must be visible throughout the body, including the "collar" on the neck "pants" and tail. Too much black is undesirable (not predominate). Dark "mask" on the face is preferred. Large white patches on the front of the chest and / or feet are undesirable.

All deviations from the requirements of the standard shall be considered as defects and evaluate accurately the degree of expression with regard to the health and welfare of the male or female. To negative defects include aggression or timidity and lack of type (atypical nature of the overall appearance).