

Hokkaido -Ken - Group V - Spitz and primitive types, Section 5 - Asian Spitz and related breeds.

General Appearance:

It is intelligent, independent, well-trained dog that excels in deep devotion to the owner and its family. Originally it is used as a hunting, guard and defence dog. Although a medium size, the hunting qualities were truly exceptional. Dog was used for various kinds of animals, including bears, which weighed more than 300 kg. It worked as fast, tenacious, very courageous and very passionate Hound. Today in Japan, it is used for hunting, but it simultaneously applied as a companion dog. While other original Japanese Spitz type dogs are relatively widespread even outside the islands, the Ainu dog you can meet rather infrequently. Definitely it is a rare breed.

Training / Behaviour:

In no case it does not belong to inexperienced owners. It is imperative to its early socialization, i.e. a systematic, gradual familiarization with other dogs, other animals, but also strangers from an early age of the puppy. During its education is essential kind, however, iron consistency.

Urgently it needs much contact with the owner and family members, including children, who it tends to protect than to play with them. Therefore, they would never be any way make to play or even compel. It is often aggressive to other dogs. In any case, dog cannot be fixed only on chain in its pen.


It's a medium-sized, balanced dog clean outlines, strong body, strong bones, dry but well muscled. Secondary sexual characteristics must be so significant, male is at first look different from females. The height at withers, male is 48.5 to 51.5 cm, females from 45.5 to 48.5 cm.

The head has a broad skull, which is especially highlighted sideways protruding cheeks, whose base consists besides the zygomatic arches powerful chewing muscles. The ratio between the skull and the muzzle has a 3: 2 Length of skull equal to width of the cheeks and is equal to 1/4 of the height at withers. The above skull is broad, slightly flattened. Front tendency to be slightly marked, but still noticeable.

The muzzle should be wedge-shaped, nasal bridge straight. Nose must be black, with white coloured individuals but also allows the nose flesh-coloured. The edges of the lips are black and close fitting to the jaws and teeth. Teeth should be strong, scissor bite is required.

Eyes must be relatively small, almost triangular in shape, adequately far apart set and dark brown in colour. The earlobes are small, stiffly erect, triangular shaped, tilted slightly forward.

The neck is strong and muscular, without dewlap. The body has to be visible small bump. The back should be straight, strong shoulders are broad and muscular properly, the stern should be reasonably steep. The tail should be high, thick, carried upward, just above the stern curled or curved sickle. If it is stretched downward, reaching its peak almost to the hock.

Forechest well visible when viewed from the side exits before the shoulder joints. The chest should be deep and must also have the correct width, ribs must be well sprung. The belly is well tucked up.

The forelegs are reasonably sloping shoulder blade, so that their tops upwards and backwards, straight, dry and forearm when viewed from the side slightly angled pasterns. The feet have well arched and together tight toes, thick padded, flexible and hard, black or other dark coloured claws. The hindquarters are strong, powerful hocks, adequate force.

The outer coat consists of a rigid, straight hairs, undercoat is soft and dense. On the tail hair is relatively long, wispy. Feathering may be coloured sesame (swim up red coloured hairs with black ends) can also be annealed, black, red, black and tan or white.

Any deviation from the standard requirements must be considered as defects and assess accurately the degree of expression. Defects include the appearance of female dogs, bitches male appearance, light overshot or undershot jaw. To negative defects belong aggression and fearfulness, extreme undershot or overshot jaw, ears pricked otherwise carried over.