

West Siberian Laika - Group V - Spitz and primitive types, Section 2 - Nordic hunting dogs.

General Appearance:

It s character is spirited, bold, balanced, lively, friendly and very neat. This breed is total easy to learn and it is very playful. Without losing any of its hunting abilities, it is very quiet at home. It excels in intelligence and docility, like everything it recognizes new and unknown.

Owner must reckon with dog ´s autonomy, which is related to its usage as a working gundog hound. In each situation it must be able to decide itself, so it is not possible to demand absolute dull obedience by this breed. It has an excellent sense of orientation, even in very rugged terrain and unfamiliar, even if it must leave for the hunting very far, returning safely to the owner.


It loves its owner and its family members. But it needs an owner who is at all times true leader "pack", such unreservedly respects. It's working, but it does not tolerate harsh treatment, thus it can be probably betrayed and ruined. It is not good to change very often its owner, this breed has very close relationship with its owner often changing new owner it can suffer.

If it is properly socialized, it can tolerate children well, as well as with various small pets. To children is a very friendly, welcoming and in direct contact it is very careful. It tolerates other dogs and it is very friendly. In addition to the use of hunting it is also a good guard and defensive dog. If there is an opportunity to live permanently with the owner, it is a nice companion. It can be all year round in the outdoor pen, but it cannot make a relationship with the owner, it is not good, because then between dog and the man will not make a very close relationship, which is a prerequisite for a truly excellent performance it is needed.

It needs a lot of exercise, preferably outdoors. Short walks it is not enough. It is mostly the dog whose owners are strong hunters. After some trainee it can also work as a pulling sled dog. It is able to accompany the owner during jogging, skiing and biking. Out in nature it is necessary to have the dog on a leash, because the hunting instinct it is so powerful that it will not miss any potential prey, this breed has not only an excellent sense of smell, but also an excellent vision.


It's a medium-sized strong and sturdy dog dry constitution, with a firm, but not too heavy or rough skeleton and strong, well-developed muscle. Height at withers is from 55-62 cm (male), 51-58 cm (female). Sexual dimorphism must be distinct, secondary sexual characteristics to be significant.

The head should be dry, wedge-shaped, roughly the shape of an isosceles triangle, moderately broad in skull, with a pointed muzzle. The skull is elongated, longer than wide, adaxially flat or slightly arched. The occipital part should be very clear, brow bumps are simply indicated. Front slope has to be gradual, barely noticeable.

Muzzle moderately pointed, at the level of the track wider when viewed from the side, have a wedge shape. The nose should be a medium-sized, black-coloured. For white individuals tolerates lighter (brownish) colour. Lips are dry and tight fitting to the jaw and teeth to be strong, large, white, uniformly and not too close to each other disposed in the jaws. Teeth are required to complete, scissor bite. Cheeks are cleanly modelled, zygomatic arches are not prominent.

The eyes do not have to be excessively large. They are oval shaped, sloping and relatively deep-seated, attentive and intelligent expression. The colour of the iris should be dark brown or brown hue corresponding coat. Ears must be pricked, set high, "V" on the tops pointed movable. Duplications at their outer edges are inconspicuous.

The neck is dryly muscled, long, as well as the head. Topline of body should be firm from the withers to the tail slightly sloping. Tap must be significant, especially in males. Back is strong, straight, well muscled and moderately broad. The loin should be short, sufficiently broad, appropriately muscular and slightly arched. Croup should be broad, correspondingly long, slightly sloping.

The tail is carried upward. Circular curled and carried over the back so that the tip is at the upper thigh. Drawn down should reach the hocks, or may be about 1 to 2 cm shorter.

The chest should be moderately deep, wide and long. The bottom line of the body rises slightly backwards. The forelegs are straight, parallel and adequately spaced.

The blades are elongated, obliquely. Shoulder bones long, sloping and well muscled. Elbows are close to chest. Forearms should be elongated, straight and muscular. Pasterns should be rather shorter, slightly slanted. Dewclaws are considered undesirable. Feet should be oval in shape, well arched with tightly knit toes, two of which medium they are slightly longer than the side.

The hindquarters should be muscular, strong, well angulated, straight and parallel. Femur must be a reasonable length, oblique.  Crus are skewed. Hock is vertical to ground. The movement should be free and energetic.

The body coat consists of a top coat and a dense undercoat. Outer coat is dense, harsh and straight. The undercoat must be rich and soft, voluminous and woolly. Hair on the head and ear lobe is short, dense. On the neck and the shoulders should be longer and form - collar, male hair is longer on tap. Similar to the cheeks represents -whiskers.

On the limbs must be harsh and dense fur, short front, long behind. Coat hamstrings make up the pants -fringing is undesirable. Short brushy hair on toes will protect the feet.

The tail should be profusely coated, covered straight coarse hair which is longer on the bottom. Coat colour may be uniform, maroon-red, red, gray or blond, always be of any shade or white, but mottled with patches of white above colours.

All faults from the requirements of the standard are considered defects which must evaluate accurately the degree of expression and with respect to the health, welfare and work usability individual.

To negative defects counts aggression or excessive shyness, any abnormal physical or behavioural incorrect bite, jaws together properly not engaged by more than four missing teeth including first premolars (P1) and molars 3 (M3), supernumerary teeth, eyes "glass" (off-white) colours or mottled iris, earlobes hung or forward drooping tail too heavily coated otter (around covered equally long hair), sickle, short, hair too short or long, coat colour brown, blue and annealed, albinism.