

Lakeland terrier - Group III - Terriers, Section 2 - Large and medium sized Terriers.

General Appearance:

It's a brisk, lively, agile dog suitable to urban and rural areas, suitable for big or too small accommodations. Like all Terriers it is extroverted, energetic, exuberant joy of life, energetic, cheerful, utterly fearless, confident, courageous and fast. It’s always “on guard”. This breed never bothers and is not pushy.


It is a friendly breed, it is getting well with children, and if it is properly socialized and educated, it has no problem with other dogs and various small domestic pets including cats and ferrets. It must be socialized in early age. If it is older, it is necessary introduce it all habits gradually and patiently, with all caution.

It is said about this breed that it has tendency to run away from home. It is true that all Terriers keep own curiosity leading to the irresistible urge to investigate thoroughly and get know everything that is around. Proper socialization and education, however, it can minimize the tendency and completely mute.

It's clever and docile, but any training, e.g. dog sports, should be various and interesting. If it dull it would get bored. Best way during any failure it  is passed over in silence and give a command or include exercise, which certainly perfectly controlled, owner must intensely praise the dog and offer any treats(positive motivation is important), and after a while owner should return to command what was not done. Such encouragement it gives the dog a new passion for work and increased desire to succeed.

When it stays in the apartment alone, it is advisable to prepare a variety of toys to avoid boredom. If it behaves unkindly to strangers, it barks, it's not its fault, but the result of neglected socialization and lack of education.

This breed needs to know exactly, who is the leader of the "pack", and that in its eyes must deserve this position. It is suitable for owners of consistent and prudent, who are doing consistently for the dog always and under all circumstances understandable. It needs a lot of movement (longer walks) and mental activities, best practice and complying with the size of dog sports (agility, etc.).


Body is balanced and compact. Height at withers is not over 37 cm by both sexes, weight of body, male is 7.7 kg and female is 6.8 kg.

The head must be proportional to length of muzzle measured from the front slope (track, i.e. a line from the inner corners of the eye) to the tip of nose not exceeding Skull measured from occipital part to stop. The skull is flat above, gracefully shaped.

Muzzle should be broad, but not too long. Nose must be black with the exception of individuals with liver (chocolate) brown coat. They have a nose liver-brown, because their genetic predisposition it is a pair of alleles for brown shade of dark pigment, which may be expressed only in homozygous assembly (i.e. if the relevant genetic pair of two side by side), because the allele is recessive to the allele for black shade of dark pigment.

Jaws strong, teeth strong with a perfect regular scissor bite, which means that 6 upper incisors closely overlapping down 6 teeth, both of which are embedded in the jaws.

Eyes must be dark or hazelnut colour and may not be inclined, these are undesirable. The earlobes should be reasonably small, V-shaped, tilted forward and carried alertly. Their inner edges have to be tightly attached to the head. They are not set too high or low.

The neck is long. The neck is slightly arched, with the neck without dewlap. The back should be strong, rather short. Loins are compact. The tail is docked (with the exception of countries where this act is prohibited by law on protection of animals). Whether it is docked or not, they must be fitted at the correct height and cheerfully (upward) supported.

The chest should be reasonably close. This requirement was important for usability in narrow natural fox dens. The forelegs should be straight, strong bones. Shoulders are well oblique, directed by their peaks upwards and backwards. Hindquarters require strong and muscular. Thighs should be long and bulky knee properly bent, hocks low over the base and insteps straight.

Feet are small, compact, round and firm with deep pads. For movements directed action front and hind legs must be parallel and straight ahead. Elbows must be neither too close nor loose and must be freely movable. Flexible hind legs are a source of abundant forward driving force (reflection). Knees cannot be yaw or bunion.

The coat is thick, tough and weather resistant, with a woolly undercoat. Colouring can be black and tan (black and tan, black and tan), blue and tan (blue and tan, blue and tan), red, wheaten, red (red grizzle, formed by mixing hair of red and gray colours), liver-coloured, blue or black. White fingertips are undesirable but permissible, as well as a speck in front of the chest. Mahogany or deep tan colouration is considered atypical.

All faults from the requirements of the standard are to be considered as defects and evaluate exactly according to the seriousness with regard to the health and welfare of the males or females. Individuals that show distinct anomalies physical or behaviour should be disqualified at the show.