

Czech Terrier - Group III - Terriers, Section 2 - Small sized Terriers

General Appearance:

All it goes on balanced, very calm and friendly, totally non-aggressive, pleasant, cheerful and good man´s companion, reserved with strangers. It is very intelligent, sociable and adaptable, able to live in a city apartment and in the countryside, but it should not be permanently closed in an outdoor kennel, because it needs contact with the owner and its family members. Education makes more problems; owner must respect the fundamental principles, kind and nice approach. Terrier is naturally docile, good-natured and friendly, ready to make the owner happy.


With children it is getting   well; it is able to play with them. It is suitable for beginners. Due to its vast comprehension and friendliness, communication with all is easy - just intonation and not intensity of voice. Praise must act like a caress, a reprimand - if necessary - should be told rather accusatory tone (never a threat). It is necessary that the intonation was always clear to praise differed markedly from complaints.

Early socialization during which the puppy is gradually getting used to different environments, a variety of people, other dogs and other small wild animals, it is important as well as the subsequent gentle but consistent training. It must proceed calmly and lead to a mutually helpful relationship of dog and owner. It cannot forget that Czech Terrier is a sensitive dog, harsh methods of education, it will not help, on the contrary, it can permanently damage and all destroy. For its behavioural foundation moreover, this breed does not deserve the harsh treatment.

Although it was intended and designed as a hunting dog, it became primarily a social breed. This does not mean that the practice of hunting was unusable. Hunting instincts with it remained fully intact; it can be used both at work underground, fox hunting and working on the surface.


It is a small Terrier, short leggy, rectangular body frame, height at withers 25-32 cm, ideal height at withers, male about 29 cm and 27 cm for female. Weight of body shall not be less than 6 kg and more than 10 kg.

The head has a long, blunt, not too broad wedge. A length of 21 cm for males and 20 cm for females and 10 cm wide in males and 9 cm for females.

The skulls are not too broad between the earlobes and towards the supraorbital ridges are slightly tapered. Occipital protuberance easy to touch, cheek bones protrude slightly; the front longitudinal furrow is only slightly marked. The frontal slope (stop) is not steep, but steep, clutching the forehead when viewed from the side the nasal bridge distinct angle.

The muzzle is straight. The nose should be dark, large, black individuals with grey-blue coat and liver brown in light-coffee-brown. The jaws are strong. Requires a scissor or pincer bite and full dentition, but the absence of the molars 3 (M3) is not penalized. Teeth strong and regularly aligned and set square to the jaws. Lips may be rather full, but well fitting to the jaws and teeth.

The eyes should be of medium size, rather deeper set in orbit friendly expression well covered by the overhanging eyebrows forming. Iris colour is brown or dark brown in individuals with grey-blue coat and light brown in individuals with hair the colour of white coffee. The earlobes are medium sized, tilted forward so that it completely covered the mouth of the external auditory canal. They have a triangular shape with a shorter side of the triangle at the fold. They are set rather high and the front edges come close to the cheeks.

The neck is of medium length, set on fairly high, quite strong, carried on a slant. Skin on   loose but without forming a dewlap on the throat. The body must be elongated; its length is 43 cm for males and 40 cm for females. Topline body is not straight because loins are always slightly arched like poop. The back should be strong, medium length, shoulders are relatively long, muscular, broad and slightly arched.

The pan is gently sloping, hip bumps are often slightly higher than the withers and croup is robust, muscular. The tail should be set low, ideally long, 18-20 cm, relatively strong, calm suspended or end slightly bent upward. In action, carried level with the topline of the body or higher. Sickle shape.

The chest should be cylindrical rather than deep, its perimeter measured behind the elbows in dogs is 45 cm and 44 cm for females. The ribs are clearly arched belly is large and slightly tucked up, flanks should be well filled (slack).

The forelegs should be straight, strong bones, parallel to each other. Shoulders muscular, elbows slightly loose, but they must be neither too close nor out. Feet should be large, with well-arched toes, strong nails and a great and strong padded.

The hindquarters are powerful, mutually parallel, well angulated and muscular. Tibia must be short. Hocks are strong, relatively high above the surface. Feet should be less than the forequarters.

The gait is free, hardy, hearty and lively, gallop slower, but also persistent. The forelegs are in action straight ahead.

The skin is thick and strong, without wrinkles and dewlap pigmented. The coat should be long, fine but firm, slightly wavy with a silky gloss, not to be too rich. Regulates the cutting, to muzzle head the hair is not cut, forming brows and beard. At the bottom of the legs, chest and belly also retains the naturally long hair. In show condition should not be on the neck, back and sides of the body longer than 1 - 1.5 cm. Quite short on the ears, the cheeks, neck, shoulders, elbows, thighs, legs, tail and around the anus.

The transition between short clipped and unclipped areas should be smooth, never abrupt. Coat colour may be grey-blue (puppies are born black) or light-coffee-brown (puppies born chocolate brown). Both are permissible yellow, grey or white markings on the head (beard, cheeks), neck, chest, abdomen, legs and around the anus. Sometimes there is a white "collar" on the neck or a white tail tip. The basic colour must always prevail.